Tech Tips: Pickup Height Adjustment
17th April 2020
Pickup Height Adjustment
Adjusting the height of a pickup is essential to obtain the best sound and volume balance with the other pickups on the guitar. More volume and power are present closer to the strings; the pickup will sound clearer further away but it will have less output. Start by adjusting the bridge pickup close to the strings whilst barring across the strings at the highest fret of the guitar. Adjust the pickup away from the strings until no overtones or false harmonics are heard and the best balance of power and clarity is achieved. Once the bridge pickup is adjusted for maximum performance the other pickups on the guitar can be adjusted by ear to gain optimum volume balance.
There is no "correct" figure for pickup height for a given pickup. It's got a lot to do with playing style, guitar setup, string tension and, above all, personal taste. If you pick harder, you may want a little more distance, or likewise if you are looking for a really pure tone. if you pick more softly, but want a harder attack characteristic, then you may want to position the pickup as close to the strings as possible, without any collisions between the pickups and strings during normal playing.
As with a lot of things, it pays to experiment, as it's the best way for you to get a feel for what you like and what works for you.
For any further questions that you have when ordering or setting up your pickups, please drop us a line and we'll be happy to help out!