The Guitar Show 2017
31st March 2017
BKP At The Guitar Show

This year's Guitar Show UK promised to be bigger and better than ever, with live music, great companies attending and of course, our very own Tim Mills on the Meet Your Maker panel hosted by Guitarist & Bass Magazine.
Q&A With Tim Mills

The Q&A session featured Tim Mills, Adrian Emsley from Orange Amplifiers, Adrian Thorpe from ThorpyFx and Patrick James Eggle from Patrick James Eggle Guitars. The panelists were asked a variety of questions to do with their own field of work, but there was also a lot of chat with Tim around starting businesses, how to set up a business and what it takes to run your own business.

As usual, we took a whole raft of BKP loaded guitars for the attendees to play, and we had a great time watching everyone get to grips with their BKPs. One of the best experiences of the show never fails to be the moment when someone picks up a guitar and plays a set of BKPs, having never tried them before.

During the show we were enjoying all the interaction on social media from you guys, Adam Leeson from Instagram messaged us to say how much he "loved" trying the Juggernauts on our stall, Guitar Crazy made sure to let us know they had enjoyed dropping over and many other people got in touch to say they had a blast with us, and we want to say thanks for making us a part of your show!

When we go to shows we make sure to bring plenty of merchandise, such as t-shirts, pots and caps, lanyards and BKP accessories, and we also make sure that we bring a few ready-wound pickups, so that we can always make sure that if you come ready to buy your BKPs we have them ready buy and put in your guitars. As always, it's a real treat to get up to Birmingham and meet new friends as well as old, and it's especially great to meet you guys, our BKP players. Without you we wouldn't even make it to these shows, so thanks for being with us and saying hi; bring on The Guitar Show 2018!